expert delphi book
expert delphi book

A one stop guide on Delphi to help you build cross-platform applications
This book covers important concepts such as FireMonkey library and shows you how to interact with the Internet of Things, enabling you to understand server side programming
The code is explained in detail with explanations and observations to create powerful cross-platform applications with a single code base

Delphi is the most powerful Object Pascal IDE and component library for cross-platform native app development. It provides powerful VCL controls for Windows 10 and enables FMX development for Windows, Mac, and mobile.

This book will help you to build server-side applications, create web services, and have clear GUI for your project. The book comes with a basic primer on Delphi and quickly moves on to building advanced-level concepts.

Through this book, we'll help you understand the architecture of applications and will teach you the important concepts of FireMonkey library, show you how to build server-side services, and enable you to interact with the Internet of Things.By the end of the book, you will be able to build powerful cross-platforms applications for iOS and Android with a single code base.

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  • merouane, habibbra
رابط جديد للكتاب الرائع expert delphi book
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[-] كل من 4 users say قال شكرا ل مبرمج حر على المشاركة المفيدة
  • bassem_43, أبو معاذ, mohamed49, invocker
السلام عليكم

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الان يمكن تحميل كتاب expert delphi مجانا
بقي حوالي 5 ساعات منذ كتابة هذا الرد
رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لِي وَلِوَالِدَيَّ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَوْمَ يَقُومُ الْحِسَابُ
اليوم، تحميل كتاب Expert Delphi مجاناً
[-] كل من 2 users say قال شكرا ل merouane على المشاركة المفيدة
  • delphi17, bassem_43

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